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Amaca® is the easy, safe, and free online tool to encrypt your written content for sharing and safekeeping.

What Makes Amaca Unique?

  It's Easy and Safe

Amaca® makes it a breeze for anyone to securely create and control their own encryption keys, and to encrypt their written content.

  It's Free

And even so, with Amaca you and your data are not the product.

  It Protects Your Anonymity

No registration, sign up, or login is required.

  App & Platform Independence

  • No apps for you to buy or download from (activity-monitoring) app stores.
  • Neither the encryption process nor your encrypted content are confined to live within an app or platform.
  • You can encrypt your written content from any device with a browser and an Internet connection, using your own keys.
  • Your encrypted text can be safely stored, sent, or posted wherever or however you want.

  If installed, it works offline too

Now you can easily install Amaca in your computer and devices, and use it even without an Internet connection!

How to install Amaca

  Your Device Handles Everything

All encryption operations are performed by your device. Neither your keyphrases nor texts (encrypted or decrypted) are ever sent to or processed by Amaca or 3rd-party servers.

Our Guiding Principles

Amaca considers privacy to be a basic human right.
Amaca respects its users, and gives them sole ownership of their encryption/decryption keys.
Amaca considers privacy to be a basic human right.
Amaca will never track user activity or collect or share any personally-identifiable user information.
Amaca does not employ "back doors" to monitor user activity or access their private information.
Amaca's business model, above all else, respects and takes into account its users' right to privacy.

Name & Logo

The word AMACA comes from the ancient Aztec language called Nahuatl, still spoken by many people today. It means, nobody or no one. It's also an acronym for...

Advanced-Mode Autonomous Ciphering Algorithm

With Amaca, you—and only you—are in full control of the encryption and decryption keys and process.

Our logo is inspired by Aztec and Mayan glyphs and pictography.

Through our name and visual identity, we wish to convey a powerful statement that guides our actions:

NOBODY but you, the user, has the right to control, manage, and decide who can have access to your private data.